Concussion and stress are interrelated. Professor Tenovuo highlights 3 major sources of stress for patients with lingering concussion symptoms and shares that post-concussion depression is a normal phenomenon.
Post-concussion syndrome depression
Post-concussion syndrome depression is something that a lot of us never heard about. We may have not even realized it was a thing until we started experiencing depression symptoms like intense sadness and having a negative outlook on the future. Well, post-concussion depression is a thing! And this page will help you understand and heal it – because you can!
Post-concussion syndrome depression: the survivor's guide (2022)
Read this complete guide to post-concussion syndrome depression to find out: what it is, why concussions can cause depression, what my post-concussion depression story is, and what you can do to heal yourself (because you can!).
Concussion & mental health (TBI Therapist podcast)
In this episode of the TBI Therapist podcast, Jen Blanchette talks with Melanie about the mental health effects of her concussion. Open to listen right away!
Alcohol and post-concussion syndrome: to drink or not to drink?
The most-asked question about alcohol and post-concussion syndrome is: can I drink a little or should I avoid it? Read this blog to find the answer (and why!).
What (not) to do for a concussion? (Concussion Talk)
Nick Mercer asks Melanie to share her concussion story and about what she learned during recovery. She explains what she wishes she had done earlier.
Neuroplasticity and brain injury (Professor Sitskoorn)
Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to form and reorganize new connections. Listen to Prof. Sitskoorn to understand how this also works after injury.
The effects of my concussion (Post-Concussion Podcast)
Bella Paige interviews Melanie about the effects her concussion had on her life. Melanie shares how she turned everything around and started recovering.
Concussions and mental health: (Prof. Wilson part 2)
In this second part of 2 Concussion Stories episodes with Professor Lindsay Wilson, Melanie and Lindsay talk about mental health and coping with a concussion.
The long-term effects of a concussion (Prof. Wilson part 1)
Listen to professor Lindsay Wilson, a neuropsychologist who is able to emphatically explain the cascade of long-term concussion effects many of us experience.
Post-concussion depression (Bella Paige)
Listen to Bella Paige share her concussion story with Melanie. From bouncing back from depression to going back to loving life, sports and university.
TBI, PTSD and forgiveness (Wendy Smeets)
Wendy Smeets shares about the invisibility of TBI and its impact on relationships, the limiting effects doctors’ words can have and Wendy’s road to recovery.
Concussion and depression: you are not alone
It’s normal to suffer from depression while recovering from post-concussion syndrome. Here’s to an open and honest conversation. You are not alone.
The post-traumatic effect of a concussion
During my post-concussion recovery, doctors told me I had to learn to live with my concussion symptoms. I believed them at first. And then I found this book.
Speed up your recovery right now
In this free guide, you’ll learn 3 actionable steps to take and accelerate your post-concussion recovery right here, right now.