
mTBI resources for practitioners

These mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) resources for practitioners are here to help you implement the newest research findings while treating patients with mild TBI (concussion or post-concussion syndrome).

This page is made to help you get quick access to the newest insights and put them into practice to help patients with mTBI achieve faster and better recovery.

About Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI)

Mild traumatic brain injury is diagnosed in case patients present with a Glasgow coma sum score of 13-15, which accounts for 90% of all TBI cases. Concussions and post-concussion syndrome are currently classified as mTBI.

TBI is called a silent epidemic, carrying a huge financial hidden burden of about 1 euro/dollar per 200 GDP and it is estimated that 1 out of every 2 people sustains a TBI during their life. 

Recent ‘studies of a generation’ flagged the major problem with mTBI diagnosis, highlighted the lack of proper care, unveiled the underestimated psychological effects on individual lives, and reveal at a rapid pace – for the first time in history – much needed facts about mTBI. 


after mild traumatic brain injury


In this short and practical guide for practitioners, we share the newest research findings about mTBI, and what (not) to communicate with patients who suffer from mTBI in the acute phase and in case they return to you with lingering symptoms. This guide is reviewed by and co-published with CENTER-TBI.


Learn more about the CENTER-TBI project and its mTBI specialists

Emeritus Professor Andrew Maas

One of the coordinators of CENTER-TBI shares about the prevalence and hidden burden of mTBI as well as CENTER-TBI.

Mini documentary of the CENTER-TBI convention (Sep-Oct 2022)

During this meeting of approx. 100 top TBI researchers, the core message was clear: mild TBI needs our full attention.

Top 3 research papers



Traumatic brain injury: progress and challenges in prevention, clinical care, and research

The Lancet Neurology Commission, Sep. 2022

This 57-page long commission is the crown on many years of work of the CENTER-TBI research group. It highlights new understanding, points out care gaps and lists recommendations to improve access to care and recovery outcome for patients with TBI.


    Outcomes in Patients With Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Without Acute Intracranial Traumatic Injury

    Jama Network Open, Aug. 2022

    TRACK-TBI is CENTER-TBI’s sister project in the USA and Canada and both projects have reported similar findings on both continents. This excellent work brings you up to speed on what you need to know about primary and secondary outcomes as well as the need for follow-up.


      Management of Concussion and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Synthesis of Practice Guidelines

      Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Feb. 2020

      Rarely do research papers become as practical as this article aiming to bring together evidenced-based clinical practice guidelines for practitioners who are not specialized to help patients recovering from mTBI. Please pay special attention to the paragraph on ‘Education’.

        Resources to share with your patients

        Feel free to share these resources with patients who struggle to recover from mTBI to help them understand what is going on with them, to empower them and to help them keep moving forward on their individual roads of recovery.


        Post-concussion syndrome resources for patients

        Explanatory blog posts, extensive post-concussion guides, fellow survivor stories, and more.


        The Concussion Stories podcast

        Our podcast aims to share stories of hardship, hope and insight to empower patients struggling to recover from mild TBI.


        The Cure My Concussion course

        Covering over 5 hours of materials, I share everything that I needed to learn over the course of 6 years to enable my full recovery.


        Nice to meet you!

        My name is Melanie Wienhoven, a patient expert who fully recovered from post-concussion syndrome.

        During the first 2 years of my recovery, I was told by doctors that there was “nothing wrong” with me, and to wait-and-see. After 2 years, I was told my brain damage was beyond repair, and that I had to learn to live with my symptoms. However, this I could not do. By now I was suffering from depression and suicidal thoughts, and I knew I had to get myself out of this situation.

        I started taking matters into my own hands by studying cutting-edge research, reading books on neuroplasticity, learning about bodily processes and experimenting with scientific precision on myself. 6,5 years after injury, I finally registered my syptoms were gone.

        Now, I’m joining forces with top researchers around the world to transform mTBI care, change common knowledge about concussions and to help patients directly for as long as adequate care is not yet available.

        Want to stay in the loop?

        If you want to receive updates about Lifeyana, new research findings, practical tools and tips for your patients, subscribe to our practitioners’ email list right here (you’ll only get emails when we have something useful to say).

        Penny for your thoughts?

        Is there anything you are missing or that you would like to comment on? Are there questions you would like to ask (Lifeyana or CENTER-TBI) or things you think we could do better? We would love to hear from you!

        What is depression?

        You are not alone in your concussion recovery

        Let me guide you toward your first steps

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